Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Balloon Boy Hoax!" Richard and Mayumi going to Jail

Remember the fiasco made by Richard Heene and his family orchestrating the Balloon Boy Hoax! last October. They just received two black eyes this holiday season.

Balloon boy's dad Richard is going to jail for 90 days and four years' probation while his wife, Mayumi Heene was given 20 days behind bars and four years' probation.

The court also ordered the Richard is strictly prohibited from profiting from the hoax. He will begin his sentence on January 11, 2010.

The Falcon Heene's hoax kept the world glued with this media frenzy and government authorities wasted their resources for the rescue.

Aside from the jail time, Richard and wife Mayumi must pay $42,000 for search-and-rescue damage cost.

[Image: AP Photo/Ed Andrieski]

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