Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Press Secretary Cerge Remonde died (cardiac arrest)

Press Secretary Cerge Remonde, one of the loyal Cabinet members of President Gloria Arroyo died Tuesday morning of cardiac arrest. He was 51. (July 19, 2010)

Remonde was found unconscious and not breathing inside the bathroom. He was rushed emergency at Makati Medical Center and he was pronounced dead at 11:51 a.m.

A former radio commentator who joined Arroyo’s administration in 2001 as press undersecretary in charge of broadcast media.

He was also named head of the Government Mass Media Group (GMMG) to take care government-owned media entities, including NBN 4, RPN 9 and IBC 13.

He also served as director-general of the Presidential Management Staff and on February 1, 2009, Remonde was appointed press secretary,

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