Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rico Blanco wants Gilberto "Gibo" Teodoro to stop using his music; "Gibo" music problem similar to McCain's early problem

An early campaign bump for administration presidential bet Gilberto Teodoro, Jr after the composer-former Rivermaya frontman Rico Blanco demanded to stop using his song "Posible" in the politician's video ad.

According to Blanco, the use of his song is unauthorized and has not licensed the use of the composition to any political ad campaign. He ask the Teodoro's camp to stop using his song or face legal consequences.

The singer didn't endorsed any political candidate or any other political party.

But according to Teodoro's camp, the use of the song was legal and their is an agreement made with Circe Communications Inc., the company that supposedly has the rights to the song.

Rico Blanco insist that he never give any body the authority to do that agreement.

It seems Gibo's early fate is similar to former US presidential candidate John McCain. Rock band Van Halen also demanded to McCain's camp to stop using their song in their Ohio event and thet also announced that their are not supporting the Republican candidate John McCain. Other musicians like Foo fighters, John Mellencamp, Jon Bon Jovi also demands McCain's camp to stop using their music.

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