Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prince Harry Racist Video and apology statement

Another buzz for Prince Harry as he done another scandal that caught on tape (actually it was taken by Harry himself) using offensive and racist language toward Arabs. The clip was released by a UK media outfit.

The future of the British royal family uses the words like “our little paki friend” and “raghead”.

With this event, Prince Harry's spokesman Patrick Harrison has released an apology statement.

“Prince Harry fully understands how offensive this term can be, and is extremely sorry for any offense his words might cause. However, on this occasion three years ago, Prince Harry used the term without any malice and as a nickname about a highly popular member of his platoon. There is no question that Prince Harry was in any way seeking to insult his friend.”

Now, he becomes a big target by the media and enemies of their government and certainly he will have a bullseye mark on his forehead.

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