Monday, October 27, 2008

General Eliseo de la Paz's scandal, absolutely their is a violation

The Philippine National Police (PNP) explanation about 105,000 euros (P6.930 million) of Police General Eliseo de la Paz that was seized by Moscow airport authorities is becoming a novel or a tale. The controversy are being dubbed in different titles : "Euro Generals", "Moscow Scandal" and many more...

The funny thing is even the PNP cannot explain clearly about the money on where it really comes from. PNP and the DILG started saying that it is a "contingency fund" then it becomes "cash advance" and now they said it is from the "Intelligence funds" to purchase some new intelligence equipment and other products. Clearly their doing some cover up.

Their starting to thread some lies and revising some story that slowly starting to back fires on them.

There's graft involved, malversation of public fund and violation on Anti-Money Laundering Law.

But i have some doubt if the guilty party will be accounted. I'm also thinking maybe Dela Paz who is now retired is thinking a last big hit before he go, but sadly it was discovered.

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