Monday, October 27, 2008

A mother's plea : "Let my baby go"

Aside from the tragic death of Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother, who were shot and killed, her family especially her sister Julia Hudson is still suffering with disappearance of Jennifer's nephew 7-year-old Julian King.

Julian King hasn't been seen since the bodies of Hudson's mother and brother were found Friday in her home in the South side of Chicago.

The heartbroken mom pleaded for help and for the safe return of her son, she says, “All I ask, I don’t care who you are, just let my baby go. Please. I just want my son.”

7-year-old nephew of Jennifer Hudson has been found but sadly he was found dead. Chicago police have confirmed that body of the young boy discovered in an SUV is indeed Hudson's nephew, Julian King. He suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

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