Tuesday, October 21, 2008

MIlF leader Kumander Bravo irresponsible act of Challenge

This shows how irresponsible the group of MIlF leader Kumander Bravo is projecting to the Filipino public. Bravo think he is tough when he proudly announced and challenge President Gloria Arroyo and the Arm Forces of the Philippines in national TV a "fight until the end" war to pursue the independence of the Bangsamoro people in Mindanao.

Bravo blamed the Arroyo administration for the continuing violence in Mindanao after the government failed to approve a territorial land deal with the MILF.

Bravo also disobeys the MILF Central Committee's orders on pursuing a peaceful negotiations with the government.

The Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) failed due to the hidden intentions and decisions by the government (Arroyo-Dureza-Esperon) and being worsen by the "criminal personality" like Kumander Bravo.

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