Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Barack Obama's presidential campaign ads in online games

Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama is making history in using different media tools to reach the young American electorates.

Having no problem in the financial aspect and has a great groups of campaign strategist on his back, Obama is trying all kinds of bridging tools to send his message of change to the young voters.

To reach the 18-34 age bracket who prefers playing online video, Obama bought an advertisement in 18 games of Microsoft Corp's Xbox Live service like "Guitar Hero 3", "The Incredible Hulk" to sports titles like "NASCAR 09," "NBA Live 08" and "NFL Tour.". It is the first presidential campaign ads in online games history.

His banner advertisements appears in games with his image and slogan of “Early voting has begun” and with a link to his VoteForChange.com website. This website allows you to find polling location, acquire absentee and allows user to register online to vote.

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