Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo wins a congressional seat.....

The buzz is becoming louder and louder and it seems the probability of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in seeking a congressional seat via her Pampanga province after her 2010 term is high.

After former Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez, Secretary Nasser Pangandaman and some Gloria cronies gave hints that their boss will run as district representative of Pampanga. Now the Presidential son Juan Miguel "Mikey" Macapagal Arroyo who is currently a Congressman in second district of Pampanga expresses that he may run for the Gubernatorial post in the 2010 elections even though he can still seek a third term to give way to her mother.

Reminds you, there is no prohibition against a former president running for a lower position. The Constitution only bars the President from running for a second term.

Two very possible scenarios may happened if Gloria Macapagal Arroyo won the congressional post.

If HR 1109 will be approved by the Supreme court that will make Congress to convene into a constituent assembly to amend the Constitution. Arroyo will now have a chance to be a prime minister and prolong her stay in power.

If HR 1109 will be deny, a congressional seat will help Gloria Arroyo to buy her immunity from all suits like corruptions and abuse of power.

The alleged controversial deals that she and her family had been linked to. Arroyo is expecting to face a flood of lawsuits when her term ends.

Hmmm....So desperate to stay in power.

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